August 09, 2017 8 min read 1 Comment

We are always fascinated to learn more about mamas with multiple babes and how they manage to do it all. When you become outnumbered, the struggle is oh so real. This week we are chatting with Meghan -- a mother of five, who is a writer and an inspiring entrepreneur of multiple businesses. Please make sure to grab yourself a cup of coffee and or tea, and join us as we head to Minnesota this morning to get to know how Meghan does it!


Tell us about yourself: Where do you live, age, marital status, number of kids and business.

I am 30 years old and live in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota with my husband of 9 years and our 5 children (ages 8 and under.) My husband is an assistant principal at a private school and I am a SAHM. I run a few businesses from home including essential oils, blogging, an Etsy shop and doing hair on the side. I am currently writing my first book while homeschooling our children.

Describe a day in the life of you.

Depends on the day. I like to have structured days with plenty of room for flexibility and spontaneity. I haven't always been that way, but you learn to roll with the punches the more kids you have. I try to wake up to my alarm by 5:45 am and spend time writing and in prayer time and worship before my kids wake up. It gives me a moment to gather my thoughts and have some "me" time. The kids all wake up at different times between 6 and 7:30 am. We usually are doing homeschooling between 8 am-12 pm and I try to get some of my work in during the afternoons while we play outside or do different activities. My husband is home around 5 pm from work and I like to have supper on the table for him. We eat supper around the table together every single night. We have family time doing games or going for walks and then I usually do some work or reading alongside my husband in the evenings after the kids go to bed.

Do you have help? A nanny or housekeeper? Family?

Nope. My husband is an incredible partner and seriously awesome dad so he is my tried and true teammate in life. And we live near family so we are able to go on fun dates together often. And then for the most part, it is just me with the kids all day long every day.

How do you manage to have “me” time?

I get up early in the mornings. My husband and I have worked out that each Sunday afternoon after church, I head to Starbucks to write for 3 hours. It's once a week that I sneak away to do something I love (which also happens to be "work"). If I am feeling overwhelmed, I will go take a hot bath in the middle of the afternoon just to take 30 minutes to myself to recharge.

How do you manage to make time to stay in shape? Do you workout? Diet?

I like to go on walks with the kids. I also have a 2 person jogging stroller but one other child usually ends up squishing on and I love to go for runs with the kids. When we go to the park, I do arm hangs on the monkey bars and play monster with them. If I'm feeling really motivated, I throw on a YouTube workout video and the kids join in a workout. It is important to me so I make time for it.

Do you get ready every day? Makeup, hair and curated outfits?  If so, how do you do it with children? 
If I am going somewhere, I make an effort to get ready. Mostly because I enjoy it. I love fashion and makeup and so I will take time to have that experience. If I'm home all day, you'll find me in yoga pants and tank top. On the days I do get ready, the older kids are usually playing and I bring the baby in the bathroom with me, close the door and just let him go to town in the cupboards or put him in a shallow bath.

Has your style changed after motherhood?

Totally. At first, I didn't put much effort into it but as I've gotten older, I've began to really appreciate trying new styles and stepping out of my comfort zone.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

I honestly don't really know if I have one that wouldn't be totally normal in mom world. I really enjoy a nice chilled glass of wine.

 If you breastfeed, how do you schedule your day around feedings and outings?
Where I go, my baby goes. And when my baby wants to eat, he eats. Same with naps. My children go along with my schedule and we make adjustments as we go. So I don't schedule naps or feedings around my schedule. That's just part of life and it's so convenient to just always have my boobs readily available whenever baby needs to nurse.


How many hours of sleep to you get a night on average?

I try to be asleep by 10 and then up by 6. (If not 5 am). And there are about 500,000 interruptions of sleep throughout any given night. That's just normal life for me now, I'm a light sleeper and my mom brain is always alert.

What is a priority for you, and what gets sacrificed? For example, everyone looks great but the house is a disaster, or the house is clean but work deadlines get pushed back.

It depends on the season of life I am currently in but I would have to say cleaning the house has definitely fell on the back burner for the past few years. I am good at picking up but horrible at the deep cleaning. And honestly, I just don't really care much anymore. Maybe because I know it will be a disaster in 4.3 seconds after I clean. My husband has really helped me pick up the slack in this area and I am so grateful for that.

Do you cook meals every day for your family? If so, how do you plan them?

I try to...doesn't always happen but I realized I would get so stressed out preparing, feeding and cleaning up after 3 meals a day that I just stopped. Yep. Totally stopped. We just "graze" throughout the day with healthy snacks and then I cook one big meal for supper for all of us each night. It has been an awesome change. And I don't feel guilty one bit about it.

Have you ever felt like you are loosing yourself to motherhood and or life? If so, how did you bounce back?
At one point, yes. But not anymore. My dream was to always be a mom so I literally feel like I am living my dream every day. But I also discovered so many other passions I have in life and I am pursuing them wholeheartedly WHILE being a mom. And so, I feel I am exactly who I am meant to be and I love every part of it.

Does hubby help you with anything particular? If so, what and how?

He rocks. Like, he is seriously so awesome and I tell him that every day. He has really helped out with cleaning the house. He has always taken care of the outdoor yard stuff. And recently, as I've been picking up more hours and events with my entrepreneurship, he has taken more of a responsibility of taking care of the kids while I pursue those ventures. 

How do you manage motherhood and marriage?

We purpose to plan dates often. We spend each evening together after the kids go to bed. We created a weekly schedule to make sure we read together, do devotions together, talk about goals and dreams together instead of just watching mindless T.V. every night. It doesn't always look that way and we are always open to changes but keeping it a priority to focus on each other and grow together has been such a blessing and strengthened us immensely.

 Do you work? Do you work in an office or at home? What does your work consist of and how do you get it done during the week?

I work from home. I am an entrepreneur and run multiple income generating ventures from home. I used to fit it in when I could but as of recent, I am taking dedicated hours each afternoon to commit to my work. (4-5 hours each day.) A lot of it is online and so I tend to work from my phone a lot but I really love doing all my work and so it's just creating a good balance of investing in my kids and pursuing my dreams in my work.

Have your circle of friends changed now that you're a mother? if so, how do you meet new mommy friends?

I prayed for 7 years that God would give me friends. My husband and I got married when I had freshly turned 21 and we got pregnant with our honeymoon baby and so I just didn't feel there was anyone in the same life cycle as me. God has been so gracious and continues to bring incredible women into my life that I am so thankful for. My circle has definitely changed but it's all been a wondrous adventure.

 What’s the least favorite household chore you dread doing?
Washing floors or dusting. Can't even tell you the last time I've done that. Maybe years.
Describe a recent experience when you didn’t have it “all together” and how you handled it all.

Yesterday. I was totally overwhelmed and all 5 kids were complaining, whining and fighting and oh, hanging over every limb of my body. We needed to return a very overdue Redbox movie and I quickly volunteered for the job. I hopped in the car and drove the 3 minutes down the road to return it. I prayed, I breathed, I caught up on my texts and video chats. And I blasted Bruno Mars on the way home with the wind blowing in my hair. I walked back in the house just a little more prepared for the chaos awaiting me.

Fill in the blank: As a mother, it's a luxury to...

...poop alone.

What is your philosophy on balance and does it exist in your home?
I absolutely believe in balance. I think it is completely obtainable if its something you value. I strive for balance every day and I often fail but that's all part of the journey. You get back on the horse and try again the next day. I'm a huge advocate of saying "NO." And when I learn to say no to more things (even if they are good things), I have more of a capacity to enjoy life for what it has to offer and give more of myself to the YES'S I have chosen. I continually pursue balance and growth in my life.


What are your dreams outside of motherhood that you would like to accomplish?

I'm doing them write now. Building my empire with Young Living essential oils and empowering other women to do the same. Creating a community and message of living for today through my blog, Instagram and website. Writing my book to offer hope to women and moms who can so easily get lost in the shuffle.

What is one thing that keeps you sane?

Jesus. Honestly, spending time with Him in the Word, worship and prayer. He is my rock.

What is one question you'd like to ask our fellow mama readers?
What is your PASSION IN LIFE? How do you want to be remembered?



Keep in touch with Meghan!

1 Response

Irene Lobo
Irene Lobo

August 13, 2017

Beautiful Queen

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