Bri Dietz | "How Does She Do It?"

July 12, 2017 9 min read

We are heading to beautiful, sunny San Diego this week to chat with Bri Dietz. This mama of two, who runs a personal training and nutrition business. She loves wine and Bravo TV for relaxation–um, yes please! Every week we enjoy getting to know our mamas and from your feedback we know you do too! This week is no different-- so grab your wine, get cozy on your sofa and let's get to know Bri! 

How does she do it on motherhood and balance - bri dietz

Tell us about yourself: Where do you live, age, marital status, number of kids and business.
I have lived in San Diego with my husband for the last 8 years, we love it here. It was his idea to move and at first, I had hesitations about leaving my family. Luckily, they visit often and we have made SD our home. We had our daughter almost 3 years ago and just had our son in September. I have a personal training and nutrition business that has been a wonderful addition to my life, but since having babies I now work part time.

Describe a day in the life of you.
A day in the life, well let’s see… I usually wake up early to pump and get out of the door by 7 to meet my morning clients. I train for a few hours and get home by 11 or 12. I try to have some quality time with the kids for an hour or two before nap. Then nap, aww, blissful nap! If all goes well (which it doesn’t always) and the kids both sleep I either clean, take a nap myself, shower, or watch Bravo. It’s a daily debate, but those few hours are gold! After nap we wait anxiously for my husband, Bobby to come home. If I am lucky we can make it to the beach for a bit before sunset. Those are my favorite afternoons!

Do you have help? A nanny or housekeeper? Family?
I do have a nanny come to the house when I am at work. Occasionally I have her stay an extra hour so I can go to the grocery story by myself (so funny that this now feels like a luxury- give me a Latte and I am giddy) or get my nails done. We also have babysitters for date night. We really try to go on date nights every two weeks. One night away goes so far! We also have a housecleaner come once a month and the night before she comes feels like Christmas Eve to me! That might sound dramatic but a clean house feel so good to me and is very rarely attainable these days. I have to constantly pep talk myself about being present and not letting mess bug me. BUT IT DOESSSSSS. I am currently a work in progress on this one. Luckily, my house is 1,200 square feet and quick to clean!

How do you manage to have “me” time?
‘Me' time is also a work in progress. I think especially because I am nursing my son I feel like I don’t want to be away very long. My ultimate way to spend time by myself is to take a yoga class, hike, get a glass of wine with my girlfriends (if that is considered me time), or take a bath. On hard days my husband can look at me and know to just go run a bath. A bath is my time, even if it’s just 20 minutes. I know how important time alone is and how recharged I feel after. I also love being with my babies and husband. I’m still trying to strike that balance daily.
How do you manage to make time to stay in shape? Do you workout? Diet?

I am lucky to have a job where I can get exercise in with clients. I love to workout - more for my head than my bum, but for my bum too. I also like to include my kids and workout outside. San Diego is lenient this way as it is often sunny. You can find me leading group workouts in the park with my friends and their babes on nice days. On days when I am feeling less energetic and together, a walk with the kids usually puts me in a much better mood. When I was pregnant I collaborated with a wonderful stroller company local to SD called Bumbleride. They gifted me with a double stroller and it has been a life saver. When the morning is going south and all else fails, I just load up the kids and walk to Starbucks! Some sunshine, a good walk and caffeine always seem to do the trick.


Do you get ready every day? Makeup, hair and curated outfits?  If so, how do you do it with children?
This question made me laugh. NOPE! I’m not even close to ready every day. I live in yoga pants, wash my hair once a week and feel really proud of myself if I have any makeup on. Thank goodness for baseball caps and Lululemon!

Has your style changed after motherhood?
My style has become much more casual as a mom. I mean, of course every now and then I enjoy a really cute outfit, but much less often than pre- babes.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is wine and Bravo. The two together is even better! Ha, I wish I answered something like "intellectual literature and tea"… (I am enjoying a glass of wine as I write this actually).

If you breastfeed, how do you schedule your day around feedings and outings?
I nursed Elle for a year and 3 days. She decided she was done before I did. I think I am cherishing nursing this time around even more because I know how quick the season truly is. I am a little more easy-going about it this time and nurse H around Elle’s schedule. Also, this time I don’t have a nursing cover. I will pretty much nurse anywhere and feel a lot more comfortable with that. I feel like the breast feeding is more widely accepted even in the three years since I had Elle. That or I just don’t have as much time to care what other people think!

How many hours of sleep to you get a night on average?
Okay, I hope other moms don’t hate me for this… but H has slept through the night since he was two months (9-5:30). I don’t know why or how, because his sister DID NOT sleep like that. He will nurse around 5-5:30 and sleep a few more hours. I know the exhaustion though, of going months without sleep. With Elia, Bobby and I were deliriously tired. It is still a bit of a circus throughout the night. I think I am used to limited sleep these days (and know H’s good sleeping happens could change tomorrow).

What is a priority for you, and what gets sacrificed? For example, everyone looks great but the house is a disaster, or the house is clean but work deadlines get pushed back.
I think my priority changes daily. I often joke with Bobby that if I look put together, that means the house is a mess. If the house if clean, I probably am behind on emails and dinner isn’t ready. There is always something being sacrificed. One thing I do prioritize daily is to try and get out with the kids. We live so close to wonderful, natural beauty. If I can get out once a day, put my phone away and take in the moment with my family my soul sings. It sounds cheesy but it’s true.

Do you cook meals every day for your family? If so, how do you plan them?
We cook 4-5 nights a week in our house. Other nights are Whole Foods, left-overs or take out. I think Bobby and I balance the meals well. I am very health conscious at the sake, sometimes of flavor. Bobby is an incredible cook (gets it from his Mama) and really loves cooking. We tag team meals and I am very grateful he often looks forward to cooking!
Have you ever felt like you are losing yourself to motherhood and or life? If so, how did you bounce back?
The times I have felt I was losing myself to motherhood were the days I felt most isolated. I have learned that I need human interaction every day (older than 3- years- of- age human interaction), and try to be proactive about that. It takes effort sometimes! I live in a very walkable neighborhood and am grateful I can walk to Balboa Park, coffee shops and the local market. I think my local barista can tell days I need to chat because I will talk their ear off! I have a wonderful community around me that lifts me up when I am struggling. Just tonight my best friend came over with dinner because she could tell I was having an off week. It takes a village, it really does.

Does hubby help you with anything particular? If so, what and how?
My husband, Bobby is super helpful. I have to say he has come a long way from the 18 year old frat boy I first met. A longggggg way, ha! I think it helps if you try and stay in a space with your spouse where you feel the other is doing their best and give grace. My favorite thing he does with the kids nightly is read (and read and read and read). It’s such a sweet time they share.

How do you manage motherhood and marriage?
Our marriage has changed as I have become a mother (and Bobby a father). I think we both know that this season is beautiful and exhausting and all consuming, but at the root of our family is our marriage. We try to connect every day, even if it just a few minutes. Sometimes our only real conversations (not about the kids or logistics of the day) are in the dark before bed. But even then, with our cell phones put away and quiet (ahhhhh!) a good conversation leaves me feeling connected to him.

Do you work? Do you work in an office or at home? What does your work consist of and how do you get it done during the week?
I work as a personal trainer in home and at a gym. Our nanny and Bobby watch the kids a few hours a week for me to be able to go. I have had to sacrifice my business at times though, when our nanny can’t make it, a baby is sick, or Bobby has to work late. Luckily, most of my clients have been working with me for over seven years so they are very understanding when something comes up. Even then, it is stressful when I have to be less reliable!

Has your circle of friends changed now that you're a mother? If so, how do you meet new mommy friends?
My circle of friends has changed since becoming a mom. I think that in some ways it has closed up a bit and in other ways it has expanded. My best friends over the course of the last 15 years are still there. Some are moms and some aren’t. The friends that I was more casual and social with are harder to connect with now, no hard feelings of course, but our lives are different. Wonderfully, I have developed new friends through motherhood and I am very grateful for those relationships! Funny enough, 3 of us had girls a few months apart and then had boys a few months apart (we all had a few connections and I reached out one day trying to plan a play-date… I was nervous, it was like dating again).

What’s the least favorite household chore you dread doing?
My least favorite household chore…hmm…. I don’t mind doing laundry or folding it, it’s the putting it back in the drawers/closet that really seems to be a problem for me. Yeah, not my favorite!

Describe a recent experience when you didn’t have it “all together” and how you handled it all.
Just yesterday we spent the day purchasing a new (used) family SUV. Words of advice: don’t bring your kids along! It takes entirely too long. Well, we did. About 4 hours in, Bobby was in a private room signing papers and I had both kids in the dealership. I was nursing H when he blew out through his onsie. Elia accidentally spilled her bag of crackers, crushed them all over the floor which caused her to cry (echoed spectacularly through the dealership). This all happened at once. I just had to laugh because we were all SO DONE. Bobby was looking at me sympathetically, I was sweating, but I just had to laugh. I was definitely not together in that moment. I was the furthest thing from together in fact.

Fill in the blank: As a mother, it's a luxury to __________________
As a mother, it is a luxury to pee alone.

What is your philosophy on balance and does it exist in your home?
I am a balance seeker. Not always a balance achiever. We have our good days and bad days around here. Not sure I will ever nail down the whole balance thing exactly! I’m pretty ok with “slightly out of balance in the direction of a lot of chaos and love”.

What are your dreams outside of motherhood that you would like to accomplish?
I have a dream to attend a month long yoga workshop in a foreign (preferably) tropical location. That seems so peaceful, soulful and wonderful to me. I also hope to expand my career, whatever direction it might take me.

What is one thing that keeps you sane?
Baths, Bobby, yoga, friends (walking and talking with friends… more like debriefing with friends), coffee, kombucha, wine (in that daily order), my faith, singing really loud (my tactic when I have screaming babies), photography (my zen place), and training all keep me sane. In no particular order! Whoops, the question was ONE thing. Can’t choose just one!

What is one question you'd like to ask our fellow mama readers?
I would love to know what other Mama readers would do if they had 24 hours to themselves with no financial limitations? Ahhh, a Mama can dream :).
Keep in touch with Bri!

How do you keep up with Bri?
Instagram: @bri.dietz

How does she do it on motherhood and balance - bri dietz

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